...cuz I've been a naughty blogger. I know, I know...I'm a bad blogger. Can't take 2 minutes out of my day to update ya'll on anything. lol
What can I say? I've been busy, but not busy on anything that's interesting enough to blog about...trust me. Just random work stuff..
...for example, did you know:
- if you have to make a million freaking "bundles" of cosmetics in time for a major event, that you get really wicked rope burns on your hands?? I do.
- that trying to install a new printer driver on a laptop is absolutely impossible when the owner of the laptop has changed every setting on it, so that you can't even figure out how to enable USB ports on it??? I do
- that without me, that freaking business would fall apart. I do.
So, for now, until I actually HAVE an outside life outside of business again, you guys are probably going to be stuck with random weirdness from me!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Well, smack me on the hand and send me to my room..
Posted by Shauna at 6:54 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Been a BUSY week!
I went to work for Maegan on Monday...which I am absolutely THRILLED to do, but I am already exhausted! Part of my job is to build "bundles" of cosmetics that we use at events around the city. Which means putting them in these gift baggie-thingies that have these tassel-rope ties that I have to YANK closed and tie twice. I have rope burns on my hands. It hurts. A LOT!
So, my plans for tonight were to soak my hands and drown them in lotion. I get home and find a note tucked in my door. The apartments I live in are conducting an inspection of all the apartments. Tomorrow. Nice notice, huh?
I think this week my house has been the messiest it's ever been. I just haven't felt much like cleaning. So sue me. Guess what I'm doing now? Yeah. My poor hands have rope burns, and instead of soaking them in cold water and lotion, I've had them soaked in bleach, hot water, Resolve, and have slammed them into various cabinets and walls. And I'm not even halfway done with the house. Ughh.
*banging my head against the wall*
Shoot me now.
Posted by Shauna at 7:14 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Me: Eyeing the beautifully wrapped b-day present in my chair: Can I open it??
Dean: Do you want to open it?
Me: Is there some reason I can't? Other than it's not my birthday yet?
Dean: Nope. Do you want to open it?
Me: Is this a trick question?
Dean: It's your choice. Open it now or open it on your birthday.
Me: Feeling pretty damn incredulous at the moment: I don't have to wait???
Dean: It's up to you.
Me: Do you want me to open it?
Dean: Eventually, yes.
Me: But I don't have to wait??
That went on for about 15 minutes. It's still sitting there unopened. Apparently I'm a sucker for suspense, but I'm dying open it!
Posted by Shauna at 12:59 PM 1 comments
Monday, January 12, 2009
I wonder what it is??
It turns out that my "b-day" present from my hubby turned out NOT to be my b-day present since the Fed-Ex guy delivered it to me...unwrapped. lol My hubby turned it into a late Christmas present for the both of us.
Well, today he gets home from work, rushes past me, and...hides in the closet.
He shooed me out, and emerged a few minutes later to get wrapping paper.
I wonder what it is??
Obviously my REAL b-day present since it's in 6 days, but I'm dying of curiosity! lol
Posted by Shauna at 4:51 PM 0 comments
Sunday, January 11, 2009
God help me now!!!
Sorry for the blurriness in this one...It took me a minute to figure out I had set the camera on "close-up."
Posted by Shauna at 10:08 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 9, 2009
Thursday, January 8, 2009
I've had EEEEEEE-NOUGH!!!!!!!
Ok, so I've never been a fan of the "cry it out" method. Not because of I think it's horrible or I have a bleeding heart, or something as equally retarded...but because I will lose my sanity if my child whines cries SCREAMS all damned night long again!
I. Cannot. Take. It.
Ever again.
The person whose ramblings you are reading at the moment is on the verge of cracking like a mallet to a watermelon (thanks, weird re-run of Gallagher episodes at 3:00 in the morning).
I am SHOCKED that I did not get a surprise visit from the police and CPS around 5 a.m. telling me that my neighbor neighbors the entire-freakin-neighborhood reported a baby being tortured.
Yeah. He was that loud.
No, he's not in pain.
Wanna know how I know??
He was HAPPY and cooing if I picked him up. Immediate end to crying. Unless I HELD him like a baby, or tried to rock him, or tried to give him his pacifier.
He has decided that sleep is not ever going to happen.
For me either. *Sigh*
Not to mention that he lays in his crib, moves the bumper out of the way, and shakes the bars like he's in jail. It's annoying. Trust me. It's worse when he kicks the bars. Trust me.
I gave up around 4:30 this morning. I stuck him in his crib, laid down, smashed my ears between 2 pillows, and actually fell asleep! I'm assuming he cried himself out...FINALLY...because he's not acting like he cried all damn night.
I'd have a seriously hoarse voice, puffy eyes, and a runny nose. He doesn't. Lucky bastard.
On another note....that's an example of how exhausted I am. Calling my own child a lucky bastard. Sheesh.
Posted by Shauna at 10:42 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Ahh..the joys of taking deliveries..
Fed Ex came today.
With 2 packages addressed to my husband. :-)
Not wrapped.
So, of course, I could tell what it was...
...my birthday present! Yay!
I love my husband. :-)
Posted by Shauna at 12:06 PM 6 comments
Monday, January 5, 2009
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Like Father...
Crazy how much alike they look, huh?
This makes me smile more than anything! Dean's grandma showed me baby pics of Dean, and all I could say was, "That's MY baby!"
Even my mom thought the first picture was Ryan at first. lol
Posted by Shauna at 4:00 PM 0 comments